Wednesday, 19 December 2012

A tribute to my mother...

The 5th of December marked a very important day. A day that no-one in my family will ever forget. It was mama's birthday. Not just any anniversary, a milestone...she hit the blessed age of 60. A day that accumilated so much emotion, looking back in hindsight at the marvels of her life. A From the day she was born up to now. Her journey has been a fascinating one, an inspiring one. She has come so far! Only by grace!! 

She has achieved so much in her lifetime that deserves an award but above all...she has given even more. Her time, her energy, her possession, her love to help those around her. Even when she has nothing, it never prevents her to go out of her own way to be a blessing to others. She lovingly, gracefully and joyfully offers up sacrifices for the sake of others. Like my father always says, 'Maman a un don de donner'. He couldn't be more right. Her entire lifestyle demostrates this quote by Anne Frank, 'No one has ever become poor from giving' - and indeed her willingness to give her everything has not only blessed  herself but our entire family in so many different ways. For that I am admire her! I ought to tell her of that more often.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Praise you in the storm!

Image by Phil Moore/ Al Jazeera
Exactly 2 weeks ago yesterday the city of Goma (eastern Congo) was captured by the rebel group M23. Fear crippled me. Fear of the unknown, and my heart went out to the mass population of the city and the surrounding area. Amongst them were some of my family members, close relatives and friends. The innocent civilians who's lives were placed under immense danger, who were terrified and therefore had no choice but to leave their homes and forced to become IDPs (internally displaced people). The fear of living in horrible conditions, lacking food or sanitation for themselves and their children, no roof over their heads but above all...simply not knowing whether they'll see another day!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

I will wait for you...

I've been thinking lately. Thinking about that four lettered word, L.O.V.E. (Don't run away just as yet, I promise this is not one of those cheesy thoughts). I mean, it's a pretty inevitable subject to think about, considering I've hit that milestone age of 21. But recently (yesterday to be precise), I was reading a blog by Alyssa Joy & it hit a VERY special place in my heart. So I've decided to write about it. Ladies, this one’s particularly for you. But guys, you’re more than welcome to read on and ponder.

'Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all'.
Isaac Watts (1674-1748)

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Cold, Cake & Campaigning!!

So, It has been over a month since I last blogged! o_O...say WAHHHH?? Where oh where has time gone?! My life right about now mainly consists of chasing time. Needless to say the word 'BUSY' is far too inferior to fully fathom just how crazy the past few weeks have been!! The simply fact that I am writing this blog at 1am in the morning completely explains it all. I hear you ask WHAT is this thing that has been keeping me on my feet? Well, If I were to scribe a detailed description...this post would turn into a book, I swear! Thankfully, I've been learning a thing or two about getting to the know, not dragging things, endless round-abouts of stories, tales, explanations, everything. So this is my attempt to summarise briefly the journey to my true authenticity for the past 6 weeks.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Baking up a sweet surprise

These few weeks have been hectic (hence the absence of recent blog-posts). I've just moved back to Uni for my 3rd (and hopefully final) year & you can just imagine the shift of schedules and routines. Packing, wasting time, being lazy and moving around. But, thankfully I'm back on track again. Finally settling into my new house with beautiful friends. (Thank God for friends, they are truly a ray of sunshine bringing about laughter, motivation when life seems miserable). I'm very much looking forward to what this significant year has to offer. One thing is certain though, it will most definitely be a challenging year (I shall not elaborate more, to avoid blabbering on).

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Friday Food Fellowship...

Now now, as I mentioned in the intro *I love cooking*, which emphasises one thing only: food plays an important role in my life. YES, I went that far.
But seriously, growing up in an African household where our christian values and hospitality is at the core means that we spend A LOT of time in the kitchen. And sharing what we have prepared with family, friends and strangers is a fantastic way of fellowshipping (if that's even a word). There's something very special, if not sacred about sharing food (no matter how much or little) with those around us. The simple fact of inviting people over to dine with us is not only a blessing itself but some of the most interesting conversations starts as people get stuck in eating! I've had these experiences far too many times, and I can honestly exclaim that I always learn something new at the dinner-table, whether be it just general things or seriously deep facts or stories people have to share. Food has that ability, to spark conversations, emotions and laughter (sometimes tears, tears of Joy mostly)...but certainly lots of laughter!! To me, it simply does not get any better than that. So here's quick recipe I'm sharing with you all for one of our favourite delicacies which is always a hit and one that has been passed down from mama.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Allow me to introduce myself...

In the quest of stepping out into the world of the unknown, I've finally arrived!! Hooray!! ‘Blogosphere’, I feel honoured and blessed to be here. This year, 2012, has been a year of enlightenment for me, one that has required a great deal of strength, courage & wisdom to be able to try out new things and ultimately realising my potential (no matter how cheesy that may sound). Plunging into the blogging world is one obstacle I still had to conquer. It's taken me two whole years of battling with myself, deciding whether or not I was capable of trully making this happen. But then again, It mightn't have been the right time. I had other occupations and commitments getting in the way which in itself became a barrier. It’s true that most of the times we are truly our own critics. The thoughts in my head tells me, that I for one I’m not a good writer/communicator, I struggle to get my ideas across in conversations. I always tend to drag everything, honestly, those who know me will undoubtedly have to agree. (Let’s hope this first EVER blog post doesn’t end likewise). Of course I have to also admit that English is not my first language, but does that automatically pigeon-whole me as 'not-good-enough'? Am I the only one with these insecurities? Constantly doubting my potential and abilities? I’d like to hope not! I think it’s closely linked with this idea of ‘fear of the unknown’ which has become one of my tallest 'Mount Kilimanjaro'. It’s almost like bungee jumping blind folded and all you think about it 'when am I going to crash?', instead of simply letting go, trusting God and actually enjoying the free-fall. So, here goes my virtual bungee jump.  

As my favourite musician India Arie bluntly puts it;

“Life is a journey,
Not a destination,
There are no mistakes,
Just chances we’ve taken
Lay down your regrets cause all we have is now...”

Who am I?!

I’m an Interior Design undergraduate student with a secret love for writing, who appreciates all things creative in order to nourish my artistic soul & broaden my knowledge. I’ve recently been reading heaps of blogs (from fashion, food, art & design to inspirational ones) and saying I’ve been immensely inspired is an understatement. But that being said, this is the ultimate platform for all things ‘stimulating’ hence the title ‘Authentic Happyness’ which derives from the core of my personality and generally the simplest of things that brings me lasting joy; from my Christian faith, my edifying love for art and design, cooking and my passion for peace & justice. Furaha, my name directly translates into JOY or Happiness in Swahili (one of the 4 languages I speak). So expect the unexpected, mamble jamble of languages, colours, textures & sound. Join me as I challenge my insecurities in the pursuit of my creative happiness. Here's to the beginning of a new chapter. A bientôt!

Peace, love & Happyness,
