Allow me to take this opportunity to wish you a H.A.P.P.Y - N.E.W- Y.E.A.R to you wherever you may be reading this. May it trully be a year of new discoveries and tremendous blessing!
I don’t know about you but 2013 for me was the most challenging and most rewarding year wrapped up in failure and overwhelming victory all in one. But in the midst of the chaos, the stress, the heartache and tears, I’ve found true joy in the presence of God…just letting go and letting God. Worship has become as important as breathing to me. I’ve come to realise just how precious spending time with God is, it’s a time of healing, of refreshing, or replenishing and of putting things into perspective. It’s where I truly loose myself, allowing God to do his business, where I am completely and utterly content.
I don’t know about you but 2013 for me was the most challenging and most rewarding year wrapped up in failure and overwhelming victory all in one. But in the midst of the chaos, the stress, the heartache and tears, I’ve found true joy in the presence of God…just letting go and letting God. Worship has become as important as breathing to me. I’ve come to realise just how precious spending time with God is, it’s a time of healing, of refreshing, or replenishing and of putting things into perspective. It’s where I truly loose myself, allowing God to do his business, where I am completely and utterly content.
‘We were made to worship Him not just in a song on Sunday
mornings, but 24/7 in all that we say and do.’ –
Michelle McKinney Hammond
The challenge however arises when we face the
reality of everyday life and for most of us who are constantly spinning a
million and one plates, this entire concept of worship becomes a task we would
much rather avoid, and revisit on a Sunday. Just the idea of worshiping for
half an hour sounds exhausting and impossible to some. We have to shift our
mentality from this ‘performance based’ ideology which suggests worship being
some sort of ritual or an obligation. But I want to challenge you to consider
otherwise. The truth is this, ‘Worship is a heart-response of gratitude and
honour of God – wherever you are and whatever you are doing.’ Worship should in
fact be our lifestyle. I’ve found myself caught up in his presence at 6:30am on
my way to work singing quietly…or out loud (like a crazy drunken woman, as some
may be thinking – which reminds me of the story of Anna in the bible)
A song that really ministered to me on a personal
level and perfectly highlights my new venture thus far and one that overall sums up my year 2013 is Oceans (Where Feet
May Fail) by Hillsong United.
You call me out
upon the waters
We sometimes forget
that it is God himself who’s always the one calling us further and drawing us
deeper into his presence. We ought to remind ourselves daily that God is not
distant; He is closer than we think. He is our loving, understanding, ever
faithful confidante. And ‘when oceans rise’ in your life, find comfort in
your saviour’s loving arms and trust his grace.
I will call upon
Your Name
Just like Jesus
called Peter outside the boat to walk on water, there still exists a tremendous
invitation for us today. The question is what will be our answer? Will we
simply ignore his voice, or opt to listen and to act. Remember that the journey
begins when we genuinely want to worship Him, without force, or obligation…when
we are the ones taking the first step & longing to take the first step. You are his servant, whom He loves upon
His name, desire his presence & watch bless you every step of the way.
And my faith will
be made stronger
The end goal of it all is that our faith may be
strengthened through the many trials life throws at us. Rest assured that God
truly is at his best when He is the strength in our weakness. My prayer today
is that this may be our response:
‘…Your face, Lord, I
will seek.’ (Psalms
27:8 NKJV)
I hope this new endeavour blesses you, keep an eye
out for many more to come.
Joy and Peace,
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