
Exploring my Authenticity...

So, some of you may be curious to find out why on earth I have decided to set up this blog…well, I am here to tell you just that. It is simple, it is very straight forward. I truly believe that behind every smile is a story. And every one of us have a story worth telling, and each story is but a piece of jigsaw that is precious, significant and necessary to complete an even bigger picture that God is piecing together to write a best-selling novel with our lives. And each jigsaw represents a different chapter of the book. Sometimes we stumble on a difficult piece, sometimes an easy one but most of a time it is a puzzle, just like the game…but the important factor is that we continue playing, discovering, learning and trying things out. Many times we’ll get frustrated, other times we’ll simply want to walk away from it all but if we are willing to be patient, staying calm cool collect and patient...trusting that we’ll soon figure out the purpose of each jigsaw, we begin to see the beauty of the game. And that’s my analogy of life. And this blog is just a platform to document this journey. It is not easy for me to expose myself on here, my thoughts, feelings and emotions…but bear with me. I promise to be honest, to be real, vulnerable and strong all at the same time. I hope each of my ‘jigsaws’ pieces (aka posts) inspires and encourages you to love more, be at peace with yourself, rediscover the joy of your true authentic self and find God.
“Life is a journey not a destination…”
"But every man is more than just himself; he also represents that unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world’s phenomena intersect, only once in this way and never again. That is why every man’s story is important, eternal, and sacred." 
- Herman Hesse (from the novel Demian)
So, here goes mine...Enjoy!!

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