- Oswald Chambers
When I came across this book on my favourite blogger’s page, I must admit that I too was perplexed at the idea that people actually prayed for the‘One’ but deep down I knew I had to read it. So, even the gesture of proceeding to purchase the book itself stemmed out of curiosity. The day the book came through, I flicked through the book franctically...hoping to catch a glimpe of the true essence of the message this particular book was addressing. I instantly stumbled upon Lamentations 3:25-29 written as an introductory page, it instantly brought me to tears.
God proves to be good to the man
Who passionately waits,
To the woman who diligently seeks.
It’s a good thing to quietly hope,
Quietly hope for help from God.
It’s a good thing when you’re young
To stick it out through the hard times
When life is heavy and hard to take,
Go off by yourself. Enter the silence.
Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions:
Wait for hope to appear. (MSG)
that just beautiful? Knowing that being patient in your waiting will result in
you being rewarded? God cares for us. He sees our hearts, knows our desires and
understands our frustrations. Something that caught my attention in that message
is the idea of passionately waiting for
the Lord. How many of us would happily confess that we enjoy being alone or single
or whatever you wish to call it? And that being said, how many of us young people
can say that we are diligently seeking the face of the Lord in every aspect of our lives?
And truly allowing Him to become our First love? I
think there’s an extraordinary mystery and immense beauty in the ideology of
waiting for hope to appear. We all
want to be loved but to what extend are we actively and reverently pursuing the
source of love, God Himself. When you look at it that way…you begin to see
things clearly.
Wait for the Lord;
Be strong and take
And wait for the Lord.
- Psalm
27: 14 (NIV)
Patience is a great quality to have if we want to
pursue love and relationship and particularly marriage but one that is even harder
to implement, especially in our current microwave society where we want instant
pleasure and satisfaction. Having true patience is more than just passively
waiting, ‘It’s actively enduring, it’s remaining steadfast no matter what comes. And
it’s anchored in the hope that Jesus is coming again to make all things right. (Jill Zimmerman) And sticking it out won’t
be easy but we are constantly reminded that it will be worth it. So then, dear
readers, we ought to rest assured that the difficult, agonising waiting period
is nothing compared to the total bliss and glory that awaits us on the other side. But for
Rejoice in your
Be patient in
tribulation, Be constant in prayer. – Romans 12:12 (RSV)
Here's the link to purchase the book 'Praying for your future husband' in the UK. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Praying-Your-Future-Husband-Goyer/dp/1601423489/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374701842&sr=8-1&keywords=praying+for+your+future+husband
Blog reading: Patience by Jill Zimmerman on theunitive.com:
Just happened to stumble across your blog, and I really love it. (Especially the blog name: Authentic Happyness!) I see so many fashion & beauty blogs (not that I'm complaining, love those too!) it's just nice to come across a blog about happiness and living positively. I've just started my blog & those are two ideas I hope to focus on; Please continue posting, it's very inspiring & very beautifully written (:
ReplyDeleteZauni | thekindside
Oh thank you so very much Zauni. Much appreciated!! I've also only been blogging for less than a year now but only just recently felt convicted to do more... It's comments such as that, that trully inspires me keep going. I will be sure to keep an eye out for yoyr blog too. One advice, JUST DO IT!! You won't regret a thing. It's a wonderful journey that needs to be explored. Blessings and JOY to you my dear. :D