Saturday, 12 January 2013

Another year, another chance to get it right!!

Allow me to take this opportunity to wish you all a  H A P P Y   N E W    Y E A R !! Full of 'Furaha' (Joy), 'Salama' (Peace), and 'Baraka' (Abundant blessings) indeed in all you do. There's a little Swahili lesson you weren't expecting. :) I proclaim that 2013 is going to be a good year for me!! Just reflecting on what 2012 offered is overwhelming. Through tears and laughter, each day brought forth more HOPE. I have come to a conclusion that it was most certainly a year of new discovery, 'Out with the Old, In with the New'. The year I started Blogging, and as most say, So far so good!
The journey had been a fascinating one, and rather tricky at first. I always knew taking this up would sometimes mean putting a little bit of myself out there to the world. A little bit of my soul, my personality, my frustrations, my fears and Joy. It's been amazing being able to document my journey through this platform and for that I smile.
There were times when all I wanted to do is just write, to let it all out. No fancy words, no gimmicks, just an out pour of my emotion through my thoughts. Pure, genuine, cathartic. I hope this space is as encouraging to you as much as it is to me. A place of healing and restoration. A place that exudes a glimpse of JOY. I am most certainly looking forward to the adventures this year has in store for me & sharing my stories with you guys. A continuation of the journey I started to my creative fulfilment whatever shape or form that may take. More recipes, hopefully more Art and Design topics, more music and an overflow of encouragements through my faith.

It's no doubt that this year is going to be a rather busy one for me. Challenging, testing, a bumpy ride - with my final semester of University underway. Time is going to be my biggest enemy. As of now, my main priority is my studies. I have three words written down on my timetable which I have stuck on my wall;
But I pledge to come here regularly to document what I've been up to so I can look back at the end of the year & see just how far I've come. The last word playing a particular significance in all I do. I sometimes find myself extremely exhausted, from the lack of sleep studying or perhaps just being lazy and forgetting to just get on my knees and openly offer all my frustration through an intimate dialogue with my heavenly father, God. When in fact, it is the times that we are extremely occupied with life, when things get in the way, when nothing seems to be going our way that we need to him most. Being in his presence lifts my spirit, and I start to smile again. Why? Because he restores my faith & hope, reminding me that 'Everything's gonna be alright'. I take a deep breath and try to tackle each day as it comes. Stress free, joyous...for I know my redeemer's got my back. That inexplicable moment right there, when you are seeking him wholeheartedly, in the confines of your room...with doors shut is where beauty lies. Prayer is powerful! Try it.
New Years Resolution? To give a 100% in everything I do. My work, time, patience etc. I want to make the most of these few months remaining of my University experience, particularly spending time with the beautiful people God has blessed me with. To love, support and provide for them. Learning to be more and more like Christ. A sacrificial type love. Praying for my family & friends who are miles away, loving without expecting anything in return and lastly I simply want to fulfil my calling to Serve. This will enable me to Grow in maturity both physically & spiritually. And on that note, the journey continues.
My life is not my own, to you I belong. I Give myself, I give myself to you. - William McDowell.
How about you? What is on your mind this year...anything you want to achieve? What are your goals and ambition for 2013? I would love to hear from you.

 I hope this finds you well. Happy Saturday!! 


  1. you know Fufy, when I saw that William McDowell quote it was like deja vu. I've been listening to that song and it's been in my head all week. Lovely post. Keep going <3

    1. Gurl, It's like we've had the same spirit. That song has been playing in my head since the bigging of this year... Call it coincidence but I know God speaks in misterious ways. Gotta love him. :) Thanks hun, I'm still crawling & certainly anticipating yours also. Keep 'em coming. Xx
