Thursday, 24 July 2014

GUESTBLOG: What to do in the meantime?

 Recently, I find myself in a place where the predominant question that surrounds my spiritual life is “What do I do in the meantime?” When we read Psalm 27, an amazing Psalm by David that asks to dwell in the house of the Lord’ (Psalm 27:4), the Psalm closes with perhaps one of the hardest activities to do as a Christian: wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord’ (Psalm 27:14). 

In a post-modern world, waiting is something that is often unfamiliar to us as we become impatient at the traffic lights, especially when they are red and we even opt to use ready meals as opposed to enjoying the long process of preparing a meal. It becomes clear when we study how we operate in the 21st Century the trait of patience and waiting appears to be scarce.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

GUESTBLOG: Are Our Bodies Really That Important?

Our bodies are made up of millions of cells, hundreds of bones and muscles, over a
mile worth of nerves, arteries and veins but amazingly they are each working in unison every
second of every day to keep us alive. Something that we hardly take time to think about. It is
so often the case that when we forget about the work that something or somebody is
doing we don't appreciate it nearly as much as we ought to. Our bodies are not only
amazing they are the 'cherry on the top' of God's intricate plan of creation. The
account in Genesis 1+2 reaffirms this.

Humanity had a deeply spiritually problem that God met in a deeply physical fashion- Tyler Huckabee

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Journey to the cross…

This week marks holy week, it commemorates one of the most poignant weeks for Christians, as we remember and follow the journey to the cross and celebrate the resurrection on Easter Sunday. The event that brings to mind so much about Jesus’ suffering as he was betrayed, arrested, wrongly accused, rejected, beaten, tortured and died for the cause which he did not commit; but all for love. A story which is made all the more scandalous when Jesus conquers death and resurrects three days later, as he had previously preached about (yet it was a shock even to his disciples who had followed him for 3 whole years).
‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. that who so ever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.' - john 3:16

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Music Monday: H-A-P-P-Y

There’s a song that’s been in my head for months now. A song that instantly makes me want to get up and boogie like it’s the 90’s and do it fearlessly like no one is watching. As soon as the beat drops, and drums starts beating- I’m caught. Whatever I am doing, no matter how miserable the day may have been, this song just somehow seems to bring a raw energy of Joy into my life. It truly does brighten up the mood of the day at that given moment, just like the bright yellow used in the background of the single cover photo with the word HAPPY carefully placed right at the middle. Its simplicity, repetitiveness, catchiness and the inevitable invitation to join in is what wins this song the second music Monday award on the blog.

“Happiness does not come from without, it comes from within” ― Helen Keller

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

A new dawn, a new season…

Well, this is long overdue. I’ve been in the hiding folks, a much needed and anticipated one. I know what I did was sneaky there, and tactical. I just dropped a blog and disappeared for a whole month, no explanation or nothing. How dare me? But on a serious note, I’ve been re-evaluating the real purpose of this blog. And I know, I know… I always tend to speak of the exiting plans I have for this platform but never care to continue it or give it time to flourish. The time has come. As you may have already noticed, this New Year has brought forth a new look for the blog. [The old one was seriously beginning to grate on me, and thus genuinely prevented me from writing] It’s funny isn’t it, how a little change of appearance can inspire a new found confidence to want to do what we love to do the most. This emphasis reminds me of one of my favourite quotes (YES, dem quotes ain’t goin’ nowhere peeps) by the amazing & brilliant Maya Angelou;
'If you don't like something, change it.
If you can't change it, change your attitude.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Music Monday: Oceans~ my song of 2013

Allow me to take this opportunity to wish you a H.A.P.P.Y - N.E.W- Y.E.A.R to you wherever you may be reading this. May it trully be a year of new discoveries and tremendous blessing!

I don’t know about you but 2013 for me was the most challenging and most rewarding year wrapped up in failure and overwhelming victory all in one. But in the midst of the chaos, the stress, the heartache and tears, I’ve found true joy in the presence of God…just letting go and letting God. Worship has become as important as breathing to me. I’ve come to realise just how precious spending time with God is, it’s a time of healing, of refreshing, or replenishing and of putting things into perspective. It’s where I truly loose myself, allowing God to do his business, where I am completely and utterly content.
‘We were made to worship Him not just in a song on Sunday mornings, but 24/7 in all that we say and do.’ Michelle McKinney Hammond