Saturday, 19 April 2014

Journey to the cross…

This week marks holy week, it commemorates one of the most poignant weeks for Christians, as we remember and follow the journey to the cross and celebrate the resurrection on Easter Sunday. The event that brings to mind so much about Jesus’ suffering as he was betrayed, arrested, wrongly accused, rejected, beaten, tortured and died for the cause which he did not commit; but all for love. A story which is made all the more scandalous when Jesus conquers death and resurrects three days later, as he had previously preached about (yet it was a shock even to his disciples who had followed him for 3 whole years).
‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. that who so ever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.' - john 3:16

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Music Monday: H-A-P-P-Y

There’s a song that’s been in my head for months now. A song that instantly makes me want to get up and boogie like it’s the 90’s and do it fearlessly like no one is watching. As soon as the beat drops, and drums starts beating- I’m caught. Whatever I am doing, no matter how miserable the day may have been, this song just somehow seems to bring a raw energy of Joy into my life. It truly does brighten up the mood of the day at that given moment, just like the bright yellow used in the background of the single cover photo with the word HAPPY carefully placed right at the middle. Its simplicity, repetitiveness, catchiness and the inevitable invitation to join in is what wins this song the second music Monday award on the blog.

“Happiness does not come from without, it comes from within” ― Helen Keller