Have you recently felt like you are being called to
something new? A change of country/city, career path, pursuing further
education, taking your spirituality more seriously? Or perhaps it’s something
less drastic and yet just the mere thought of it presents you with doubt beyond
belief, which subsequently affects your decision-making. Therefore you are also
aware that whichever decision you do make will be costly, and this utterly
scares you (though you may not want to admit it) You feel like the more you
pray about it, the more confused and agitated you become towards the prospect
of stepping out of your comfort zone and experiencing something new. Well, I’m
here to reassure you that you are not alone.
Your life’s highest calling will
always create the highest level of joy within…
How to know the will of God
Since the beginning of this year, I have felt a strong sense of calling to serve, yet I did not know what on earth that meant. In my mind I thought I already had this ‘serving’ thing covered by God by simply living a Christ-centred life but I missed an important factor and that is that we are all called by God to live and work to the praise and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ whilst on this earth. That is the ultimate call. I like the analogy of thinking that we are all missionaries on planet earth, each of us eqquiped with our gifts and talents to fulfil our duty. Now the choice however lies in whether or not we choose to live by this concept or not, as this little quote best states it;
"While they pick between following their hearts and following their minds, I suggest what I know best: Following Jesus." - Unknown
Being called requires us to give ourselves away completely, trusting God wholeheartedly? Sounds scary right? Well, take the disciple’s story for instant…when Jesus called each of them asking them to ‘follow’ Him, what did they do? Did any of them have plans, dreams and ambitions of their own? Of course they did! Some even hesitated, wondering whether this was the right thing to do…but for most, the invitation seemed far more appealing. Wow, how strong their faith must have been, I think now…to simply ‘get up and follow him’ as Mathew the tax collector did, leaving behind his job and future plans. Or leaving their home, family and cattle just like Abram did. So I did what I thought best and consulted my councils (parents, close friends, wise colleagues) and this is what I found. I quickly began to realise that I had a lot of discerning to do, beginning with this one:
what success really means to me –
My definition of success was measured by worldly
satisfactions and I knew this had to change. I began praying, interceding that
the Lord will start to shift this as I knew that I wanted to follow Him, but
was being held up by the thoughts of what other people will think of me for
this decision. I desperately wanted to stop comparing myself to other people
around me, especially my peers who would be heading off to doing their dream
jobs and doing whatever pleased them. I knew my path was changing, so therefore
for the first time in a long time…I began living out Proverbs 3:6 and pleaded
with God to ‘direct my path’ as I had
no idea what I wanted to do. This simple, yet powerful act of acknowledging Him
in my decision-making brought forth a peace of mind, one that transcended my
understanding. And since then, I have received strong affirmation of the will
of God in my life so let me assure you that though I may not be where 'I' want to
be, I am exactly where I am supposed to be, by the grace of God, and for me that is enough. Run your best in the race of faith, and win eternal life for yourself; for it was for this life that God called you when you firmly professed your faith before many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6: 12)
So, still feeling apprehensive about following
Jesus’ call? Read Matthew 14: 28-30
28 “Lord,
if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on
the water.”
29 “Come,”
he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked
on the water and came toward Jesus.
God if it is really Him calling you, He will answer. Ask Him to equip you with
faith, courage and wisdom to be able to step outside the boat (your comfort zone)
simply GO. Get out of the boat, start walking towards Jesus. Can you see it?
You are now walking on water.
Fix your eyes on the Jesus and do not let the strong waves, wind and storm of life
toss you over. You have come so far, you don’t want to start sinking now, do
you? Just keep your eyes fixed on Him and Him alone.
says ‘…Take courage. I am here!’
I am now excited for the next chapter of my life, a
journey with my Lord which is not promising to be easy but exceptionally
victorious. At the end of my life, I want to be able to stand before
God and pray the same prayer Jesus uttered - ‘I have glorified you on the earth. I have
finished the work which you have given me to do.’ So be encouraged
dear readers, have faith and above all…pick up your cross and follow Him; the true
giver of life and finisher of your faith.
Peace & Joy,
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