Saturday, 15 June 2013

Birds sang songs of praise...

Where to begin...
First and foremost, I apologise for the lack of posts. Apologies for not keeping up with my words of keeping y'all updated with my journey. It HAS been a long while. Too long infact.

But I'm finally back, and boy do I have a few exciting news/projects up my sleeve for the future of this blog. Yes, I WILL share in due time. But for now, here is, a little post to say 'It is done'!!! My journey through University has finally come to an end as of this Monday!! I'm not sure if it has sank in yet. Mixed emotions. Most of all I feel like those who were stood along side me supporting me on in prayer are chanting:

Congratulations! You made it through University!
And what an achievement it is. Better yet, what a journey it has been... I'll need to write a whole book to begin to express just how much I have GROWN this year alone, let alone these past 3 academic years. I learned so much, made a lot of mistakes along the way, I failed, I stumbled and fell flat on my face. It was TOUGH. But I thank God for giving me strength. One that could only come from a higher source, to be able to get back up as if nothing happened and CARRY ON. In a nutshell, these past 5 months have been a constant learning curve. Physically, mentally and spiritually. I've had to lean not on my own understanding and completely 'LET GO' and 'LET GOD' take control. That in itself was hard, I'm not gonna lie. But by simply being obedient to God's words and focusing solemnly on trying to please HIM alone through it, I found greater purpose. Although I was unable to record every aspect of my journey on this platform, I set myself a challenge to write down my thoughts as each day brought fourth new revelation and reaffirmations of my heavenly Father's promises which sustained and renewed me during this dry-season. Amongst them, these ones were a constant repetition:
For days when I was frustrated and found every excuse to throw a tantrum, he spoke this;

Be careful not to complain about anything - (always catching me off guard)
I am the author of your circumstances,
There is abundance in my presence...

And for those days when I felt like things were falling apart, and out of my control, he whispered:

When you are out of your comfortable routine, grip my hand, accept the challenge of something new.
I will lead you from Glory to glory, making you fit for my Kingdom,
Trust me and don't be afraid!! (this one always brought me to tears)

And just when I needed some encouragement to face the day, though I was exhausted, warn out and on the verge of giving up, this song by Kari Jobe spoke to my soul...just when i needed it most!

‘Be still my soul, be still…wait patiently upon the Lord for he is here,
 I will start on the Mountain, when the waves rise against me and the wind tries to draw me away, I will stand on the mountain, safe in your arms and will sing.  Be still and know he is God, he is here…he is here!!’

But I specifically remember returning home after a long day in the library, absolutely shattered and just needing to break down and cry as I struggled, I looked up in the sky and saw dozens of birds flying to an unknown destination, (in my mind I was intrigued as to where on earth they were going to so late in the night) flipping their wings in unison and singing out loud. As tears flowed down my cheeks, I broke into hysterics, laughing to myself at the wonders of God. It was then that I understood God's humour. He reaches out to us sometimes when we are  so cought up in our worries & distracted to remind us that He understands how we feel. That small incident, with its simplistic gesture was God's way of telling me that everything was going to be okay. I felt so special, I felt loved..and my heart was full of JOY. I remember walking home that night smiling and pondering on Psalm 8:3-4:

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
 So, as I sign out on this gorgeous Saturday afternoon, I want to thank you for your fervent and unconditional love and support during a time that was testing but yet filled with so much JOY and contentment. This is just the end of the beginning of another door that is about to open ahead of me. And just as mama interpreted the birds incident, God truly pulled me through and I have come out on the other side victorious, singing hymns of praise and worship. Just like those innocent birds, I too choose to sing songs of praise to my creator for his everlasting faithfulness, and caring for me even at times when I least deserved it.
I hope this finds you well,
Happy Saturday,

Fufu xoxo

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