Tuesday, 18 June 2013

GUEST BLOG: The Art of Being Happy

Is Within Yourself
Picture: N/a; Words: AG
In the quest of trying to make this blog a little bit more versatile and inclusive, I have now opted on discovering new ways of shaking things up a notch... Bringing on some creative, cool, collected minds and generally people who are open to sharing a little bit of themselves whilst highlighting topics they feel passionate about. The purpose of this blog is so much more than just random rants, It is about using people in my surrounding whom I admire to pour out their gifts and souls to you guys for a little dollop of inspiration.the journey has just got interesting. This is a very exciting new conquest that also requires your precious feedback. But in the mean time, Happy reading!! :) Fufu

Words by “El” Rehema Mussanzi

I was watching a TED Talk this morning by Lisa Bu entitled “How books can open your mind” in which she shares her unique approach to reading with an enthusiastic audience in Long Beach, California, when I had an epiphany. About half way through the talk she made a comment which sparked me to examine what we, as human beings, consider to be the art of being happy. She said “it’s through translation that I realised ‘happiness’ in Chinese literally means ‘fast joy’”. Really! Fast joy?
Well, it occurred to me that the one question we all ask ourselves at varying points in life is what is the goal of living? How does one live a happy life?

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Birds sang songs of praise...

Where to begin...
First and foremost, I apologise for the lack of posts. Apologies for not keeping up with my words of keeping y'all updated with my journey. It HAS been a long while. Too long infact.

But I'm finally back, and boy do I have a few exciting news/projects up my sleeve for the future of this blog. Yes, I WILL share in due time. But for now, here is, a little post to say 'It is done'!!! My journey through University has finally come to an end as of this Monday!! I'm not sure if it has sank in yet. Mixed emotions. Most of all I feel like those who were stood along side me supporting me on in prayer are chanting:

Congratulations! You made it through University!