Anyhow, the main purpose of this post, which is supposed to be brief (Hence why I am quickly typing it up at 2:39am, while my mind drifts off thinking about how on earth I'm going to wake up at 8am for class)...It's all about that four-lettered-word. L.O.V.E. YES, it's back.
We hadn't quite escaped it just yet. It is Valentine's day after all so y'all should've expected this. But like the previous post, this ones also been inspired by a recent online reading I came across, following the twitter sphere, blogs, news exploding with love messages, and what I like to call
It all started out with Jefferson Bethke's twitter post with an artitle titled 'The Purpose of Singleness' - written by his colleague Jeff Cherry. Of course this captured my attention. Yes, I am Single, and most importantly, I am a Christian constantly searching for inspiration, words of encouragement that I can share with friends in my surrounding. I frantically clicked on the link & instinctively began scanning through. It was just what my soul wanted to hear. We're all aware of how miserable Valentine's day can be when you are single. The media also doesn't help, by distorting the true meaning of Love which has now become a huge commercialised, money-making scheme (but that in itself is a whole notha topic). But back on track, the writing summarises exactly what I believe in, and that is that Singleness is a Special period, and it too ought to be celebrated. Ask yourself this: Are you happy with being Single? If not, why is that? I think this type of message needs to spread, especially on days like this, when love and being in a relationship so is over-rated, and being single is regarded as a crime. Who determined this in the first place, and why are we inclined to believing this
This is the main point Jeff makes;
"Instead of preoccupation with finding the man or woman you want to marry, use this season to become the man or woman that God wants you to be. We’re very quick to find fault in God and others, but rarely willing to consider how we might need to grow. A humble heart will see singleness as a time to draw near to the Lord and reflect on how you need to change to become more like Him. As you follow Jesus and ask Him to transform your heart, you are going to begin to attract the right kind of man or woman.
God is in the business of protecting His children and leading us into the place of greatest joy. This means He knows what you need and when you need it. There is intent, purpose, and a reason behind this period in your life."
Yes, it does resonate with the same ethos/motto,
"There's a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."
- Ecclesiastes 3: 1
So, be encouraged dear friends, Your time will soon come. But for now, devote your time and energy on diligently seeking your first love, God himself. The creator of universe, Who knows you more than you even know yourself. He has the final say... Use your time of Single-ness to serve him wholeheartedly, Trusting in his timing and allowing him to craft you into the person He want you to be. And the day of the revelation, True Happiness (JOY) shall prevail, but for now...ask yourself this, What does God want me to learn during this time?! Pray on it, He is sure to reveal it to you!
I hope you find this helpful; Read more here...
I hope you have a reflective Valentine's day.
Fufu <3
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