Greetings all, So it's been a while.
Too long you may even say. Apologies for the absence, I've been SO preoccupied with University life and making the most of my final EVER semester before graduating, that I have lost track of time. Much needed time to blog. Lots has been happening and I promise I'll allocate a set time, when I can fill y'all in on what's been happening in my journey thus far. It's bound to be an interesting one, Believe you me, Life has been extremely fascinating recently. Lots of challenges, Accomplishments and more Trials. But I'll come back to that. Soon. I promise!!
Anyhow, the main purpose of this post, which is supposed to be brief (Hence why I am quickly typing it up at 2:39am, while my mind drifts off thinking about how on earth I'm going to wake up at 8am for class)...It's all about that four-lettered-word.
L.O.V.E. YES, it's back.
We hadn't quite escaped it just yet. It is Valentine's day after all so y'all should've expected this. But like the previous post, this ones also been inspired by a recent online reading I came across, following the twitter sphere, blogs, news exploding with love messages, and what I like to call
valentine's day madness; I had to do what I had to do, sharing my thoughts with you guys.