Allow me to take this opportunity to wish you a H.A.P.P.Y - N.E.W- Y.E.A.R to you wherever you may be reading this. May it trully be a year of new discoveries and tremendous blessing!
I don’t know about you but 2013 for me was the most challenging and most rewarding year wrapped up in failure and overwhelming victory all in one. But in the midst of the chaos, the stress, the heartache and tears, I’ve found true joy in the presence of God…just letting go and letting God. Worship has become as important as breathing to me. I’ve come to realise just how precious spending time with God is, it’s a time of healing, of refreshing, or replenishing and of putting things into perspective. It’s where I truly loose myself, allowing God to do his business, where I am completely and utterly content.
I don’t know about you but 2013 for me was the most challenging and most rewarding year wrapped up in failure and overwhelming victory all in one. But in the midst of the chaos, the stress, the heartache and tears, I’ve found true joy in the presence of God…just letting go and letting God. Worship has become as important as breathing to me. I’ve come to realise just how precious spending time with God is, it’s a time of healing, of refreshing, or replenishing and of putting things into perspective. It’s where I truly loose myself, allowing God to do his business, where I am completely and utterly content.
‘We were made to worship Him not just in a song on Sunday
mornings, but 24/7 in all that we say and do.’ –
Michelle McKinney Hammond